ASL Award for Science Reflection and Communication-Human Sciences

Scientific Reflection and Communication Awards
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With the ASL Award for Science Reflection and Communication-Human sciences, ASL honors a book that meets the following criteria:

a. The book is an outstanding publication that explains one or more themes in the field of Human Sciences from the perspective of scientific expertise, but in a form and style explicitly aimed at a broadly interested, non-specialist audience. ASL favors  work that includes, implicitly or explicitly, an element of reflection on science or the practice of science.

b. The field of Human Sciences is interpreted broadly, including borderline areas. However, if a work is submitted for the Science and Technology award, it cannot be submitted for either of the other two awards (Biomedical Sciences or Science and technology).

b. The book must be written in Dutch or English.

c. The book must be written by authors affiliated with a Belgian university or college. Also their graduates, presently affiliated with a foreign academic institution, qualify.

d. The book may be written by several authors.

e. Compiled books ('edited volumes') are also eligible, provided the editors meet the author criteria indicated above.

f. The following criteria will be considered in judging:

       i. originality

               ii. quality of the content

               iii. scientific reliability

               iv. presence of elements of science reflection

               v. accessibility/readability

               vi. stylistic qualities

               vii. design


2. The ASL Award for Science Reflection and Communication- Human sciences is granted every 3 years. Only books published during the three calendar years preceding the year of the award submission are eligible.

3. The ASL board of directors  grants the award as proposed by a jury installed by it and chaired by a board member of ASL.

4. Only one award is granted per edition. This Award amounts to €7,500.

5. The ASL board of directors may decide not to grant the award.

6. There will be no correspondence about the procedure and the decision of the ASL board.

7. The result will be announced in writing to all participants at the latest one year after the ultimate submission date.


  1. Anyone can submit a nomination for a book. Self-nominations are allowed.

  2. The next deadline for submission is 15 march 2026.

  3. A nomination consists of:
    a. three physical copies of the nominated book
    b. a PDF file of the book
    c. a short motivation of the nomination (max. 1000 words)
    d. in the case of multiple authors, the name of the author to whom the prize money should be transferred if the book wins the award
    e. a short curriculum vitae (1 page) of each author of the nominated book

The documents and information mentioned can be uploaded via an online form under Editions and Laureates from 01 December 2025.

The physical book copies should be sent by post to:

Academische Stichting Leuven
W. de Croylaan 6, bus 2000 – 3001 Heverlee

Editions and Laureates

Year: 2023
Deadline: 15/05/2023
Prijsuitreiking: 15/11/2023
Laureate: Tinne Claes - Zaad zonder naam. Een biografie van de spermabank

Tinne Claes - Zaad zonder naam. Een biografie van de spermabank

Eervolle vermeldingen

  • Vervliet, Bram. (2022. Waarom we bang zijn. De oorsprong en toekomst van angst)
  • Vandenbulcke, Mathieu (2022. Rimpelingen in het hoofd van ouderen. Over psychische problemen, het brein en het leven