Marguerite Lefèvre Prize for Gender Studies

Special Fund Prizes
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1. ASL vzw honors a biennial award to crown a master's thesis. The study must make a significant contribution to the scientific understanding of the issue of gender and gender relations and/or insight into the woman/man equal opportunity issue. Studies from all fields of science are eligible.

2. The award’s name refers to the first female professor at the University of Leuven, Marguerite Lefèvre, geographer (1894-1967).

3. The Marguerite Lefèvre Award for Gender Studies is granted every two years. Only master's theses defended during the two academic years preceding the deadline for candidacy are eligible.

4. One can only apply once for this prize.

5. The ASL board of directors grants the award on the proposal of a jury composed of at least four members, including a representative of the ASL board. The jury chooses a chairman among its members. Promoters and co-promoters of submitted dissertations cannot be members of the jury.

6. The award amounts to €1,500 and will not be split.

7. The governing body may decide not to grant the award.

8. There will be no correspondence about the procedure and the decision of the board.


Click here to submit your candidacy.

Submit candidacy online from Dec. 01, 2023 to Jan. 15, 2024.

An admissible dossier consists of:

  1. Your master's thesis (pdf format).
  2. A summary in Dutch or English of max. 500 words, explaining question, methodology and results
  3. Your recent curriculum vitae

Note: After submission, you will see a message stating that you need to send a hard copy of your dissertation. However, this is NOT required.

Editions and Laureates

Year: 2024
Deadline: 15/01/2024
Prijsuitreiking: not yet known
Year: 2022

Slachtoffers van onwetendheid. De kennisverspreiding van het DES-hormoon in België sinds 1971

Year: 2020

’Becoming Dagongmei. Liminal identity practices in migrant women’s autobiographies’

Year: 2018

'Vous allez me traiter d’enfant’. Zelfperceptie van de kinderen Bethune in het vroege negentiende-eeuwse België

Year: 2016

Dat het heurs dancs ende heurs wille was. Een sociaal-juridische analyse van schakingen in Leuven in de vijftiende eeuw

Year: 2014

The Other Woman. Towards a diffractive rereading of the oeuvres of Simone de Beauvoir and Luce Irigaray’

Year: 2012

J'ai soif d'un grand ciel. Het bewogen artistieke parcours van Louise Héger (1839-1933)

Year: 2010

Seks & stigma in beweging. Een etnografisch onderzoek naar homoseksuele en lesbische allochtonen van eerste en anderhalve generatie in België

Year: 2006

Ethiek en enhancement. Een verkenning vanuit genderperspectief.

Year: 2004

De heroïek van de waarheidszoeker. Belgische wetenschapsbiografieën 1870-1930

Year: 2002

Het geslacht van arbeid. Opvattingen over vrouwenarbeid in Belgische katholieke intellectuele kringen (1945-1960)