ASL Research Award for Biomedical Sciences

Research Awards
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1. With the ASL award for Biomedical Sciences, ASL honors a Dutch- or English-language doctoral thesis in the field of biomedical sciences and obtained at KU Leuven. The awarded work must excel by the originality of the subject, the scientific elaboration and/or the innovative conclusions.

2. The ASL Prize for Biomedical Sciences is awarded every 3 years. Only dissertations defended during the three calendar years preceding the year of the award are eligible. Theses must be submitted in pdf format only.

3. The ASL board of directors  grants the award as proposed by a jury installed by it and chaired by a director of ASL vzw. Promoters and co-promoters of submitted dissertations cannot be part of the jury.

4. The Award amounts to €7,500 and will not be split. The ASL board of directors may decide not to grant the award.

5. There will be no correspondence about the procedure and the decision of the ASL board.

6. The result will be announced in writing to all participants at the latest one year after the ultimate submission date.


Candidacy submission can be done online through this page from December 01, 2025.

An admissible dossier consists of:

  1. Your PhD dissertation (pdf format).
  2. A summarizing essay (approx. 10,000 characters, spaces included) in which the candidate, in Dutch or English, for a broad but interested audience (1) frames his/her research in the broader research domain; (2) explains the essence of his/her own research; (3) explains the importance of that research for the candidate's own and adjacent research domains, and possibly also its societal relevance. Submission of a dossier implies that the author agrees that ASL may publish this essay on its website.
  3. Your recent curriculum vitae including your publication list.

Editions and Laureates

Year: 2023
Deadline: 15/01/2023
Prijsuitreiking: 30/05/2024
Laureate: Jasper Janssens - Decoding Gene Regulation in the Fly Brain / Decoderen van genregulatie in het fruitvliegbrein
Year: 2020

Ischemia in kidney transplantation. Clinical risk factor & epigenetic modifier

Year: 2017

Towards understanding ciliary motility and ciliary diseases

Year: 2014

The role of coagulases in invasive Staphylococcus aureus infections

Year: 2011

Molecular and functional characterization of a new neuro-cardio-facial-cutaneous syndrome

Year: 2008

Functional specialisation within the language network, effect of cortical dysfunction

Year: 2005

Posttranslational modifications of CC Chemokines: modulation of cell migaryion and HIV-infection by CD26

Year: 2002

Analysis of the mechanism of Hedgehog signalling in Drosophila melanogaster

Year: 1999

3D-structure study of staphylokinase: a fibrin specific plasminogen activator with therapeutic potential

Year: 1996

Dentine adhesion: morphological, physico-chemical and clinical aspects